Getting Started

Welcome to the SwaggerHub Portal API! This API allows you to manage your SwaggerHub Portal instance, which is a comprehensive platform for showcasing and managing APIs. Whether you're a team or a company, this guide will help you get started and understand the business value of the SwaggerHub Portal API.

Note: The APIs enable direct configuration and content management of a SwaggerHub Portal instance.

Why the SwaggerHub Portal API is valuable:

  • Effortless API Productization: The SwaggerHub Portal API enables you to productize your APIs effortlessly. You can create a centralized platform for developers and consumers to explore, understand, and consume your APIs. Showcase the value and capabilities of your APIs with rich documentation, tutorials, and guides.
  • Superior Developer Experience: With the SwaggerHub Portal API, you can provide developers with a best-in-class Developer Experience (DX). They'll benefit from a user-friendly interface, interactive documentation, SDKs, and other tools that accelerate API adoption and empower them to build innovative solutions.


  • A software as a service (SaaS) enterprise plan with SwaggerHub. If required, obtain a trial license from
  • A designer or owner role within the SwaggerHub organization.
  • SwaggerHub Portal MUST be enabled for the SwaggerHub organization (from above).

Management Resources and Capabilities

The SwaggerHub Portal API provides the management APIs for the following resources:

PortalsA collection representing portal instances and allowing management on portal instances settings. The portal settings control the branding, name, domain URL, and portal availability. These settings are split into three levels: general, branding, and landingPage.Read, Modify, Delete
AttachmentsManage and distribute image files and Markdown content used by the portal settings, or within products.Create, Modify, Delete
DocumentsA resource for storing document content (specifically for Markdown files or attachments).Read, Modify, Delete
SectionsA section is a resource used to hold API references and API document references and organize them into tables of contents.Create, Modify, Delete
ProductsA collection of metadata (also known as product settings), API reference documents (for example, an OpenAPI document), and Markdown documents which are bundled and presented to a consumer as a product.Create, Modify, Delete

Base Info

Base URL Endpoint: The SwaggerHub Portal API base endpoint is


See the authentication guide.

Learn More

Getting Started with the Portal API